


Title Author Journal
Six-Month Patency of Long Carotid Bypass Grafts Constructed with In-Body Tissue Architecture-Induced Small-Diameter Biotubes in a Goat Model

Mori K, Umeno T, Kawashima T, Shuto T, Iwai R , Teng L , Tajikawa T, Nakayama Y, Miyamoto S

2025, 12(3), 260;bioengineering

Bladder Reconstruction in Cats Using In-Body Tissue Architecture (iBTA)-Induced Biosheet. Bioengineering (Basel). Fujita N, Sugiyama F, Tsuboi M, Nakamura HK, Nishimura R, Nakayama Y, Fujita A.

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Diverse Shape Design and Physical Property Evaluation of In-Body Tissue Architecture-Induced Tissues. Bioengineering (Basel). Tajikawa T, Sekido Y, Mori K, Kawashima T, Nakashima Y, Miyamoto S, Nakayama Y.

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Development of Subcutaneous SSEA3- or SSEA4-Positive Cell Capture Device. Bioengineering (Basel).

Nakayama Y, Iwai R.

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Dramatic Wound Closing Effect of a Single Application of an iBTA-Induced Autologous Biosheet on Severe Diabetic Foot Ulcers Involving the Heel Area. Bioengineering (Basel).

Higashita R, Nakayama Y, Miyazaki M, Yokawa Y, Iwai R, Funayama-Iwai M.

2024 May 6;11(5):462. doi:10.3390/bioengineering11050462. PMID: 38790329; PMCID: PMC11117490.

First-in-human results of an in-body tissue architecture-induced tissue-engineered vascular graft “Biotube” for application in distal bypass for chronic limb-threatening ischemia. J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech.

Higashita R, Miyazaki M, Oi M, Ishikawa N.

2022 Jul 31;8(3):488-493. doi:10.1016/j.jvscit.2022.07.007. PMID: 36052213; PMCID: PMC9424347.

Evaluation of Skin Wound Healing with Biosheets Containing Somatic Stem Cells in a Dog Model: A Pilot Study. Bioengineering (Basel). Maeta N, Iwai R, Takemitsu H, Akashi N, Miyabe M, Funayama-Iwai M, Nakayama Y.

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Breaking the Limit of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine: Successful 6-Month Goat Implant in World’s First Ascending Aortic Replacement Using Biotube Blood Vessels. Bioengineering (Basel).

Mori K, Umeno T, Kawashima T, Wada T, Genda T, Arakura M, Oda Y, Mizoguchi T, Iwai R, Tajikawa T, Nakayama Y, Miyamoto S.

2024 Apr 20;11(4):405. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering11040405. PMID: 38671826; PMCID: PMC11048657.

 Regeneration Process of an Autologous Tissue-Engineered Trachea (aTET) in a Rat Patch Tracheoplasty Model. Bioengineering (Basel).

Iwasaki S, Deguchi K, Iwai R, Nakayama Y, Okuyama H.

2024 Feb 29;11(3):243. doi:10.3390/bioengineering11030243. PMID: 38534518; PMCID: PMC10968659.

Carotid Artery Bypass Surgery of In-Body Tissue Architecture-Induced Small-Diameter Biotube in a Goat Model: A Pilot Study. Bioengineering (Basel).

Umeno T, Mori K, Iwai R, Kawashima T, Shuto T, Nakashima Y, Tajikawa T, Nakayama Y, Miyamoto S.

2024 Feb 21;11(3):203. doi:10.3390/bioengineering11030203. PMID: 38534477; PMCID: PMC10967853.

Successful reconstruction of the rat ureter by a syngeneic collagen tube with a cardiomyocyte sheet. Regen Ther.

Yamamoto S, Matsui K, Kinoshita Y, Hiroshi Sasaki, Sekine H, Saito Y, Nakayama Y, Kume H, Kimura T, Yokoo T, Kobayashi E.

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Bioprosthetic Valve Deterioration: Accumulation of Circulating Proteins and Macrophages in the Valve Interstitium. JACC Basic Transl Sci.

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Successful tracheal regeneration using biofabricated autologous analogues without artificial supports. Sci Rep.

Hiwatashi S, Iwai R, Nakayama Y, Moriwaki T, Okuyama H.

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Pre-implantation evaluation of a small-diameter, long vascular graft (Biotube®) for below-knee bypass surgery in goats. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater.

Nakayama Y, Iwai R, Terazawa T, Tajikawa T, Umeno T, Kawashima T, Nakashima Y, Shiraishi Y, Yamada A, Higashita R, Miyazaki M, Oie T, Kadota S, Yabuuchi N, Abe F, Funayama-Iwai M, Yambe T, Miyamoto S.

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Application of Biosheets as Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Repair Materials in a Rat Model. Front Vet Sci.

Mizuno T, Iwai R, Moriwaki T, Nakayama Y.

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A Novel Method for Urinary Tract Reconstruction in Transplanted Embryonic Kidneys Using the Hybrid Stent: A Pig Study. Transplant Direct.

Matsui K, Iwai S, Sasaki H, Takamura T, Kinoshita Y, Saito Y, Fujimoto T, Nakayama Y, Suzuki Y, Matsunari H, Nagashima H, Kobayashi E, Yokoo T.

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Acute Phase Pilot Evaluation of Small Diameter Long iBTA Induced Vascular Graft “Biotube” in a Goat Model. EJVES Vasc Forum.

Higashita R, Nakayama Y, Shiraishi Y, Iwai R, Inoue Y, Yamada A, Terazawa T, Tajikawa T, Miyazaki M, Ohara M, Umeno T, Okamoto K, Oie T, Yambe T, Miyamoto S.

2022 Jan 11;54:27-35. doi:10.1016/j.ejvsvf.2022.01.004. PMID: 35128505; PMCID: PMC8804190.

Involvement of somatic stem cells in encapsulation of foreign-body reaction in canine subcutaneous Biotube tissue formation. J Biosci Bioeng.

Sato Y, Iwai R, Fukushima M, Nakayama Y.

2021 Nov;132(5):524-530. doi:10.1016/j.jbiosc.2021.07.003. Epub 2021 Aug 19. PMID: 34420897.

Three-month outcomes of aortic valve reconstruction using collagenous membranes (biosheets) produced by in-body tissue architecture in a goat model: a preliminary study. BMC Cardiovasc Disord.

Okamoto K, Umeno T, Shuto T, Wada T, Anai H, Nishida H, Nakayama Y, Miyamoto S.

2021 Apr 15;21(1):184. doi:10.1186/s12872-021-01988-6. PMID: 33858334; PMCID: PMC8050917.

A new method of primary engineering of esophagus using orthotopic in-body tissue architecture. J Pediatr Surg.

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Aortic valve neocuspidization with in-body tissue-engineered autologous membranes: preliminary results in a long-term goat model. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg.

Kawashima T, Umeno T, Terazawa T, Wada T, Shuto T, Nishida H, Anai H, Nakayama Y, Miyamoto S.

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Urinary bladder reconstruction using autologous collagenous connective tissue membrane “Biosheet®” induced by in-body tissue architecture: A pilot study. Regen Ther.

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Spatiotemporal histological changes observed in mouse subcutaneous tissues during the foreign body reaction to silicone. J Biomed Mater Res A.

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Mechanical characterization of an in-body tissue-engineered autologous collagenous sheet for application as an aortic valve reconstruction material. J Biomech.

Terazawa T, Kawashima T, Umeno T, Wada T, Ozaki S, Miyamoto S, Nakayama Y.

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Application of in-body tissue architecture-induced Biotube vascular grafts for vascular access: Proof of concept in a beagle dog model. J Vasc Access.

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Initial 3-year results of first human use of an in-body tissue-engineered autologous “Biotube” vascular graft for hemodialysis. J Vasc Access.

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Long-term outcomes of patch tracheoplasty using collagenous tissue membranes (biosheets) produced by in-body tissue architecture in a beagle model. Surg Today.

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Shape memory of in-body tissue-engineered Biotube® vascular grafts and the preliminary evaluation in animal implantation experiments. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino).

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One-year follow-up study of iBTA-induced allogenic biosheet for repair of abdominal wall defects in a beagle model: a pilot study. Hernia.

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Tracheal Replacement Using an In-Body Tissue-Engineered Collagenous Tube “BIOTUBE” with a Biodegradable Stent in a Beagle Model: A Preliminary Report on a New Technique. Eur J Pediatr Surg.

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Development of long in vivo tissue-engineered “Biotube” vascular grafts. Biomaterials.

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iBTA-induced bovine Biosheet for repair of abdominal wall defects in a beagle model: proof of concept. Hernia.

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One year Rat Study of iBTA-induced “Microbiotube” Microvascular Grafts With an Ultra-Small Diameter of 0.6 mm. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg.

Ishii D, Enmi JI, Iwai R, Kurisu K, Tatsumi E, Nakayama Y.

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Wall thickness control in biotubes prepared using type-C mold. J Artif Organs.

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Development of in vivo tissue-engineered microvascular grafts with an ultra small diameter of 0.6 mm (MicroBiotubes): acute phase evaluation by optical coherence tomography and magnetic resonance angiography. J Artif Organs.

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Mechanical properties of human autologous tubular connective tissues (human biotubes) obtained from patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater.

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Acceleration of robust “biotube” vascular graft fabrication by in-body tissue architecture technology using a novel eosin Y-releasing mold. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater.

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Implantation study of small-caliber “biotube” vascular grafts in a rat model. J Artif Organs.

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Long-term animal implantation study of biotube-autologous small-caliber vascular graft fabricated by in-body tissue architecture. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater.

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In-body optical stimulation formed connective tissue vascular grafts, “biotubes,” with many capillaries and elastic fibers. J Artif Organs.

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Autologous small-caliber “biotube” vascular grafts with argatroban loading: a histomorphological examination after implantation to rabbits. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater.

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In vitro maturation of “biotube” vascular grafts induced by a 2-day pulsatile flow loading. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater.

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